Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Come one, come all and please tell your friends. I hope that this blog can serve as a "meeting between our meetings" and a place to share what we're dealing with. I've always valued the opportunity to talk with those who understand what I'm going through and hope that we can provide the same opportunity to one another here.


  1. Hi Greg,

    I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog, and to welcome you to the blogosphere. It's so nice to meet a fellow traveler.

    I've found a lot of support here. I do, indeed, think of it as a great, big online meeting. And it doesn't even cost me $1!

    I'll be following, and look forward to future posts.

  2. AA is my program, although Alanon is the "real" program for living--I KNOW that. My wife (AA 24 years) is also Alanon, and our life is SO much better. But not through any fault of mine. Ya know? All I do is stay sober...well, a little more than that--grin!

    I'll be here again, for sure.

  3. Welcome. Welcome....to the world of blogging and to my blog. I saw you became a follower and that makes me very happy. I will reciprocate.

    Here is hoping we both have 'happy blogging' and 'happy reading'.


  4. I saw that you stopped by my blog...

    Stopping by to say "Hi".


  5. Just wanted to say HI :) Al-Anon has done so much for me the past 5 months. It's nice to see another grateful member! God bless.

  6. I appreciate everyone leaving comments, but this is an old blog site that I've never really used. Please follow me at my active site at http://chitowngreg.wordpress.com.

    Thanks a lot,

